Click here for Decatur Downdog Yoga schedule

Communication is key to me in all of my relationships including my relationship with you as your District One Decatur Councilwoman. 

My goal is to give you accurate, consistent information. We know traditional news sources have seen a drop in support. We also recognize the shortcomings of social media and question the validity of many news sources. As your liaison to city government, I will keep you informed via email newsletter coming to your email inbox every few months. 

The more we know, the more we can understand the why and the ways of our city. This is important in making decisions now and for our future. 


Subscribe to JBS Council newsletter!

I want to share all that I'm learning in this new role and what our city council is up to!

Decatur City Council District 1 Representative

Decatur, Be Well!

Lead by example, Serve by example

I feel strongly about empowering others and being involved in the community I live. Let's work together to make our city a place we all want to live and thrive!

Reach out to me!

Share with me your concerns and your desires for our city. I am here to represent you!



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