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Weekly Newsletter

That's right. Just once a week! I respect you, your time and your inbox. So I won't be landing in there more than once a week with a purposeful, thoughtful newsletter! You can always find it here or  sign up to receive it as its released!

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I am my own #1 Fan!

inspiration Jan 10, 2023

It is wonderful having people in our lives that support, encourage and love us. They cheer us on, they believe in us, and it can make all the difference in our life.  I hope that you have at least one person in your life that shows up for you like this. 

We value this support from others immensely, but let’s get honest…the support from others is not always going to be there every single time you need it. It is impossible to have someone with you every moment whispering words of encouragement and speaking belief into you at exactly the time you need. Although this feels like a bummer, don’t be discouraged! There is a simple, powerful solution…and its YOU!

 Who do you spend the most time with?…YOU.

Who is always talking to you even when you want some peace and quiet?…YOU.

Who has been there with you through every single moment of your life?…YOU. 

YOU are the answer!

Learn to be your own encourager! You may think...

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I'm so sick of's time to shift!

inspiration Jan 03, 2023

So why is this newsletter finally happening? It has nothing to do with the turn of the calendar year. The truth is, I’m sick of myself. I recognize that complete disgust in myself is often a motivator for me. Can you relate? 

I have been sitting on so many ideas and plans for the last 5 years, but have done very little with it all. I’m tired of going around in circles and only making small progress. Sound familiar? I created my website over 2 years ago to launch a yoga teacher training and had full intention of doing so much more on the site, but I got in my own way and held myself back. I have not had the courage to step forward into more, until now. 

We all have different degrees of breaking points. What level of “fed up” do you need to be at to finally take action? Only you can answer this, because it’s different for everyone. The misery, disgust, dissatisfaction of remaining exactly where I am is surpassing my fear of what I may...

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